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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Define Oracle Inventory Organization

Optional step before defining inventory organization
Define Location.
1. Now In Inventory responsibility navigate to
    Setup -> Organizations -> Organizations

Enter organization name and type from pre defined list.
In this case this organization is defined as Master Org.
2. To define a location navigate to
     Setup -> Organizations -> locations

There are two options for scope Global and Local
Global: If global selected then this location will be available for all modules.
After entering name and description move to address details tab.

3. Choose your address style as address styles are defined according to your country.
    Enter remaining details and save you work. 

4. Now select location ORK Locations in organization definition form.

    Save your work as it is required before proceeding to next step.
    In classification tab select inventory organization from list of values and check it.

5. Now click on others to add additional organizational information.

How To Configure System Item Flexfield

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