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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Setup Oracle inventory - Required Steps Part 1

This post will cover brief overview of steps required to configure Oracle Inventory.

There are some required, optional steps and for some steps you have to check some pre defined system default values that weather it suits your business needs or change them. Perform optional steps only if you are using that business functions.

Later on I will post about optional steps.

Before defining inventory items configuring item flexfield is necessary. On basis of your requirement specific no of segments with fixed length are defined. Once you define the structure of your flexfield and any applicable value sets, you must freeze and compile your flexfield definition.

For step by step demonstration look at..
Steps to Configure System Item Flexfield

Step-2. Define flexfield of item categories.
Before defining items must design and configure your Item Categories Flexfield as all items need to be assigned with categories. After defining compile the flexfield definition to enable the Categories Flexfield pop-up window. Multiple structures for Item Categories Flexfield can be defined.

For step by step demonstration look at..
Steps to Configure Item Categories Flexfield

Step-3. Define flexfield of item catalog group.
If you do not use catalog group still at least one segment must be enabled.
to group items according to certain descriptive elements, Item Catalog Group Flexfield need to be configured. Defining and Compiling the flexfield definition enables the Item Catalog Group Flexfield pop-up

Step-4. Define flexfield of stock locators.
In order to keep track record of locators for inventory items stock locators need to be
configured. e.g. bin, row indicators. Must compile stock locator flexfield even locator control is not implemented

Step-5. Define flexfield of account aliases.
If you want to define logical references to frequently used account number and combinations and use them as transaction source types,you need to configure your account aliases flexfield and define account aliases.

Step-6. Define flexfield of sales orders.
Sales order flexfield must be configured if items will be shipped from inventory.

Step-7. Define Organization Calendar.
If you want to predict needs of your material or to plan material requirement then you can configure workday calendar for this.Work day calendar provide lot of flexibility in terms of shifts, pattern for working days also you can configure exceptions.

For step by step demonstration look at..
How to Define Work Day Calendar.

Step-8. Define organizations.
Organization define different entities in company which may have different manufacturing facilities, warehouses, distribution centers, and branch offices.

Step-9. Setup Change Organizations.
This setup enables you to change organization you define in oracle inventory.using the Change Organization window you can log out and log back in to Oracle Inventory.

Step-10. Define Inventory Relations.
For inter company relations between two operating units (typically the Shipping and Selling organizations) in a multi-organization environment, you must define the relationship in the Intercompany Relations window.

Related Links..
How to Setup Oracle inventory Part 2

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