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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Assign item to organization by ego_item_pub.assign_item_to_org API.

This post will cover API ego_item_pub.assign_item_to_org used to assign item to an organization.
Step by step demonstration of code.
Please download attached file to use as sample code. This sample code assign single item at a time to single organization you can modify it for multiple items or multiple organizations at a time.
This API assigns a specific item to any inventory organization. The item to be assigned must already assigned to parent organization before running this API.

Input parameters.
P_param1                   pass inventory item id.
P_organization_id      organization id to which you want to assign item
P_organization_code organization code of specific organization

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Define Cost Type In Oracle Inventory

Cost type is required while we define any new organization.

Some cost types which are already defined are Average and Frozen.
Steps to Define.
Choose inventory responsibility and navigate to form.
Setup -> Costs -> Cost Types
On Cost Type Window

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Configuring Work Day calendar in oracle Inventory

If you want to predict needs of your material or to plan material requirement then you can configure workday calendar for this.
Work day calendar(Oracle Inventory Calendar) provide lot of flexibility in terms of shifts, pattern for working days also you can configure exceptions.
Following are Configuration Steps.

1.       Go to work day calendar.

On Workday Calendar Window.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to configure System Items Flexfield

1.    First define value set for item flexfield segments.
Go to inventory responsibility and navigate to value set.
Setup -> Flexfield->Validation->Sets

2.       Define Value Set for Item Section.
Choices: List Type, Enter format validation of your own choice, validation type.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Oracle Supply Chain all APIS

This API provide functionality to assign one/more items to an organization(s)
How to Assign Item Using Assign_item_to_org 

2. Item Creation and Updation Public API.
This API used to create items.

 3. Category Code Creation Public API.
This API provides functionality to create a category.

4. Item Category Assignment Public API

5. Item Catalog Descriptive Element Public API.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Oracle APPS Supply Chain tables ERD - PART-2

You can get data of all receiving transactions in this table.
Important columns
Also you can directly connect to shipment and purchase order tables for rcv_transactions

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oracle APPS Supply Chain Tables ERD PART-1

Oracle inventory main reporting tables.

Base table for all transactions (etc RCV,Issuance,Sub Inv Transfer,Inter Org Transfer,Misl Transactions...).

Table contains all System items organization wise. It is Base table for items.
This table holds the definitions for inventory items, engineering items, and purchasing items. The flexfield code is MSTK. The primary key for an item is the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID and the ORGANIZATION_ID. The same item could be defined in more than one organization. Each row represents an item in an organization.