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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Define Oracle Inventory Organization

Optional step before defining inventory organization
Define Location.
1. Now In Inventory responsibility navigate to
    Setup -> Organizations -> Organizations

Enter organization name and type from pre defined list.
In this case this organization is defined as Master Org.
2. To define a location navigate to
     Setup -> Organizations -> locations

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to Setup Item Categories flexfield of Oracle inventory

After defining System item flexfield next step to do is to define Item categories flexfield .
1. Go to Inventory responsibility and open Key Fleffield 
    Flexfield -> Key -> Segmetns
Key Flex Field
In flexfield title search for Item Categories.
Item Categories

2. Enter new record in this case ORK Item Categories. Now click on segments to enter segments summary.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Setup Oracle Inventory - Required Steps Part 2

Step-11. Define unit of measure classes.
 All items having similar characteristics fall under same UOM class like Kilogram or Length.

Step-12. Define Sub inventories.
Sub inventory groups inventory logically or physically, at least one sub inventory must be assigned to each organization.

Step-13. Define Item attribute controls.
Attributes are detail information about items.Each attribute is maintained at master level or organization level.If an attribute is defined as master level then it can only be updated at item master level and attributes maintained at item/organization level can only be updated at this level only.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Setup Oracle inventory - Required Steps Part 1

This post will cover brief overview of steps required to configure Oracle Inventory.

There are some required, optional steps and for some steps you have to check some pre defined system default values that weather it suits your business needs or change them. Perform optional steps only if you are using that business functions.

Later on I will post about optional steps.

Before defining inventory items configuring item flexfield is necessary. On basis of your requirement specific no of segments with fixed length are defined. Once you define the structure of your flexfield and any applicable value sets, you must freeze and compile your flexfield definition.

For step by step demonstration look at..
Steps to Configure System Item Flexfield